Promoting Responsible Advertising
At EASA, we work with our members to promote responsible advertising by providing detailed guidance on how to go about advertising self-regulation for the benefit of consumers and businesses.
EASA has a network of 43 organisations representing 28 advertising self-regulatory organisations (also referred to as “standards bodies”) from Europe and 14 organisations representing the advertising ecosystem (the advertisers, agencies, the media) and 1 digital pure-play company.
EASA’s role is to set out high operational standards for advertising self-regulatory systems, as set out in the Best Practice Model and EASA’s Charter. EASA also provides a space for the advertising ecosystem to work together at the European and international levels to address common challenges and make sure advertising standards are future-proofed.
EASA helps to make sure that ads are legal, decent, honest, truthful, prepared with a sense of social responsibility and created with due respect to the rules of fair competition. The well-enforced ad standards are established by EASA. These ensure that ad self-regulation is better regulation.
You can find more information in EASA’s leaflet.