An international committee was established in 2008 within EASA to allow non-European Self-Regulatory Organisations to exchange best practices with their European peers.
In October 2016, ICAS, the International Council for Ad Self-Regulation was established as a separate organization with EASA as its founding member. Like EASA at the European level, ICAS promotes responsible advertising through the effective implementation of self-regulatory standards at the global level. EASA and ICAS work closely together on issues of mutual interest.
ICAS brings together a network of Self-Regulatory Organisations from North & South America, Australia, Asia, Africa, and Europe as well as global associations representing the advertising industry and experts on global advertising and marketing laws.
The objectives pursued by ICAS include:
- Exchanging best practices around advertising self-regulation and working on common solutions to the global challenges faced by the advertising industry;
- Facilitating the establishment of new SROs in emerging markets and empowering them to grow;
- Promoting self-regulation worldwide and highlighting its benefits for consumers, businesses, regulators and society as a whole.
To find out more about international Advertising Self-Regulation, visit the ICAS website.
The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) was founded in 2012 by a European industry coalition representing advertisers, the advertising agency sector, the interactive and direct marketing sector, the advertising technology sector and the media sector.
EDAA is governed by EU-level organisations, among which EASA. It represents the value chain of data-driven advertising within Europe, and acts to ensure consistency in the European self-regulatory approach. The EDAA’s guiding principles are laid out in the European Industry Self-Regulatory Framework for Data-Driven Advertising and the Best Practice Recommendation for Online Behavioural Advertising of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA). The governing organisations of the EDAA can be found here.
The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance‘s principal purpose is to provide the ‘AdChoices Icon’ to companies involved in data-driven advertising across Europe. Data-Driven Advertising (or OBA) consists of the collection and use of previous web-browsing activity (through cookies) to deliver relevant advertising to the consumer.
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the institutional representative of 45 million companies in more than 170 countries, making it easier for businesses to trade internationally. The ICC believes in the power of the private sector to change the world for the better and the association is uniquely positioned to ensure the voice of businesses, large and small, is heard where it matters most. EASA is a member of the global chapter of ICC through ICC Belgium.
Building on an ongoing and successful partnership with ICC, EASA has been an active member and contributor to the Global Commission on Advertising and Marketing. EASA’s Director General Lucas Boudet is currently Vice-Chair of this Commission. As part of the Commission, alongside with some of its members, EASA defended advertising self-regulation and allowed its members to provide valuable insights and expertise as practitioners of advertising self-regulation who directly apply the ICC code and national ad SR codes featuring principles inspired by the ICC code.
EASA also supported the ICC Commission with its priorities, such as: 1. Reinforcing the importance of responsible marketing communications and the benefits for stakeholders implementing the ICC Code into effective self-regulation 2. Emphasising the authority of ICC as the organisation providing the gold standard for marketing self-regulatory practices, and reinforce the benefits of these practices for globally consistent, respected standards for self-regulation 3. Communicating ICC code principles and updates to demonstrate the Code’s relevance in an evolving digital landscape and when facing emerging issues such as climate change, responsible consumption, greater equality/inclusivity, transparency 4. Advocating for enhanced responsibility along the advertising value chain 5. Advancing the role of advertising in society.