We recognise that effective advertising self-regulation demonstrates the industry’s ability and obligation to regulate itself responsibly, by actively promoting the highest ethical standards in all commercial communications and safeguarding the public and consumer interests.
We further recognise that contractual relationships between advertisers, agencies and the media should recognise the need for responsible marketing communications.
- Comprehensive coverage by self-regulatory systems of all forms of advertising and all practitioners.
- Adequate and sustained funding by the advertising industry, proportionate to advertising expenditure in each country.
- Comprehensive and effective codes of advertising practice based on the globally accepted codes of marketing and advertising practice of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) applicable to all forms of advertising.
- Broad consultation with interested parties during code development.
- Due consideration of the involvement of independent, non-governmental lay persons in the complaint adjudication process.
- Efficient and resourced administration of codes and handling of complaints thereon in an independent and impartial manner by a self-regulatory body set up for the purpose.
- Prompt and efficient complaint handling at no cost to the consumer.
- Provision of advice and training to industry practitioners in order to raise standards.
- Effective sanctions and enforcement, including the publication of decisions, combined with efficient compliance work and monitoring of codes.
- Effective awareness of the self-regulatory system by industry and consumers.
The full EASA Advertising Self-Regulation Charter can be found below.