ÖRT Launches Revised Advertising Code

09 March 2015

A revised version of the Hungarian Advertising Code of Ethics was launched last month to make sure Hungarian ad standards are at the forefront of the latest international developments in advertising practices.

The new code places special emphasis on the protection of children, has been updated to include sections on cosmetics advertising and extends its remit to cover Online Behavioural Advertising – which consumers can visit youronlinechoices.eu for greater transparency and control over digital ads.

The revised code was launched by ÖRT, Hungary’s Advertising Standards Board (Önszabályozó Reklám Testület), on the 17 February. The launch was attended by theHungarian Advertising Association (Magyar Reklámszövetség), as well as 22 of the country’s largest industry organisations. 

The new code will come into effect on 30 June. Regular review and update of ad standards codes are a key part of EASA’s Best Practice Model, designed to ensure high operational standards across its membership. The Hungarian advertising self-regulatory body ÖRT was established in 1996 and is officially recognized by Hungarian law; the last revision of the Hungarian code took place in 2009.

The full text of the new Hungarian Advertising Code of Ethics is available here (in Hungarian). An English translation will be made available later this week.

For more information about Hungary’s Advertising Standards Board, please visit their website.