Passing of Matti Alderson, Co-Founder of EASA
06 October 2020
With great sorrow, we announce that Matti Alderson, Co-Founder of EASA, has passed away. She served as EASA’s Vice Chair for nine years and significantly contributed to the expansion of the ad SR network.
Oliver Gray, Inaugural EASA Director General has paid tribute:
“EASA was extremely lucky to have Matti and thereby ASA’s full on backing in the early days of setting up EASA and getting industry support for the idea. She was one of a small but unique group of individuals who gave their time and energy to make the European advertising self-regulation project happen, pressing important ad industry leaders to support it. She was particularly supportive in promoting the development of SROs in the CEE countries and ensuring a robust self-regulatory approach to gender stereotyping including presenting at the European parliament on the topic. Matti herself was an icon for gender equality in what was then still very much a man’s world. Above all Matti contributed to EASA’s work with great passion, commitment, and above all fun. She knew how important it was to gather different nationalities and backgrounds together in a common cause and to have fun doing it. I and EASA have much to thank her for.”
Watch a video interview of Matti Alderson done in 2017 on the occasion of EASA’s 25th anniversary.